Thursday, 26 January 2012

Limited Edition Freshly Caught Feelings...

Here are the photos of the Limited Editions I have been working on the past two weeks.  I have been so excited to finally share these with you all.  For those of you who know me, or follow my work, you'll know how obsessed I am with jarred specimens.  So it seemed natural for me to jar up some Worry babies.  I have no idea why I had it firmly in my mind that Worry would obviously eat squishy, pink, marshmallows!

These are glass jars, complete with artificial grass.  The Worry is shown in comparison to the normal Worry's I make and is still stuffed with natural lavender to keep you calm.  There is a large, vintage tag that explains all about it and each of the six pieces are numbered on their tiny tags.

I have had SO much fun creating these, there will most definitley be more! However, once these Worry ones are gone, they won't be available again (limited editions and all).  So these will go into my Etsy shop at 8pm English time tonight.

Copyright © Penny Taylor. All Rights Reserved.

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