Saturday, 25 February 2012

Wonderful Words...

I recieved this email last week and (don't worry I have checked with the sender) am sharing it with you now, as it really touched home to me, that what started as a way to make my designs 3D, has become so much more than that.

"I have thought about it for awhile and I would like to share with you the path one of your Worries had. I do not share it so you will feel sorry for me, but rather, as the creator of these wonderful toys I want you to feel encouraged by what you do.

I'm not sure exactly when it was that I discovered your shop. All I know is that upon reading the description of a Worry, I wanted to adopt him. I contacted a friend and made the arrangements.

Worry lived in my pocket. Under my pillow. Came with me every time I left the house. I didn't feel so alone, knowing the creature in my pocket understood. I got through each day and slowly began to heal. I stopped panicking when I would have to approach somebody. After all, Worry understood and his sweet lavender scent made me smile. He was soft, fit comfortably in my hand and his wonky eyes just added to his adorableness.

I took him with me to my therapy group and there was a girl there that was in the same state I had been only months before. She now has that Worry, and when I saw her last she had it tucked in her bag.

That little Worry took on a very special path. He helped me and is now helping someone else. I have sent your link to your Etsy shop to several people, each with their own stories, their own Feelings that they will connect with and maybe adopt.

This was my story.
Worry was my Feeling.
Such a simple thing that meant so much, all because you decided to reach out and touch the world."


  1. I had tears in my eyes and hope in my heart after reading this. You're doing an amazing job of spreading hope and love and courage to those of us who need more of it in our lives... the fact that you do it through this wonderfully quirky little creatures is a bonus...

    1. Thank you, I never realised things would turn out this way, but the words above and yours really make me realise how far my little business has come. I have to thank you all for supporting me along the way x

  2. I had the worst night I've had in ages last night and held my "afraid " all night. Part of my disability is I never come out of dream stage into restorative sleep. But because I get so tired even when I wake up, the dream or nightmare as they normally are carrys on in front of me which can be very scary. Last night it was so bad I couldn't go back to sleep till daylight. "afraid " protected till then. Times like this I wonder what I did without my feelings, they are with me everyday.

  3. Then we share a common problem, I never actually get any of that normal sleep that others do. When I do sleep (which isn't often) its fully dream filled. I have the most realistic dreams the entire time in asleep and like you I often wake and have to really stop and tell myself it's not happening anymore. Mine aren't always bad though. Often good dreams so it's not too bad. But I am always overtired. I think I'd like a little bit of that normal sleep others seem to enjoy so much. I'm glad Afraid made you feel better though :)

    1. I do have to fight over him with the cat, as you saw in the pic I sent you, he likes sleeping with my afraid, or affy as I call him.

  4. Me three re. the oh so very vivid/non restorative sleep thing. *waves* I frequently wake in a panic attack/jiggling to a tune/thinking I had already woken up and started my day, so empathise with you both. xxx

    This is such a lovely story of a Worry's tale and two people's steps on their journey, one holding the other's hand as they go through the same dark, dappled shadows the former had travelled only a short while before. I do love to hear of humanity's wonders and of the small things humans do for each other that mean big things to others. It makes sense of the world. xxx

    1. *waves back* it seems we unique individuals have more in common than we realise. I woke in the middle of surgery two nights ago and couldn't physically move it was so real. Took ages for me to work out it wasn't real at all :S

      But yes, this is one of the most wonderful emails I have recieved and I am so glad the sender took the time to write and email it to me. It is beyond amazing to hear how my tiny creations are making a genuine difference x
