Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The Mother of all Worrys...

This is something I have been working on for a while now.  I scrapped the first mould I made and started again, and have changed the body a few times, so it's taken a few weeks.  But I'm finally pleased with the finished creature and ready to share it with the world.  So here is the 'Mother of all Worrys'.

This is the biggest piece I have made in a long time.  For some reason my resin faces NEVER turn out how I imagine them in my head, so it is pretty much an 'I wonder what it will look like' session, when sculpting these.  The face is entirely made by hand, like the rest of my creations.

This creature has a purple womb, complete with three tiny, fleece, baby Worrys, hand stitched into it.  But this isn't just a womb, it doubles up as a pouch where a fully stuffed little Worry is nestled safely inside.  Two long arms curl round in a protective, motherly way and are fastened on with purple button joints, meaning they can move back and forth.

This large monster is stuffed with a mixture of super soft stuffing and natural lavender aromatherapy, keeping that soothing effect that all Worrys have.  The little baby is also stuffed with the same.  The mother has polypropylene beads in the bottom half too, allowing her to stand alone and adding a bit of weight to the plushShe stands at 8" tall.

I will be adding her to my Big Cartel shop soon (if you like her, I will be making more mothers).

Copyright © Penny Taylor. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Wow! I looooooove the Mother of All Worrys!
    and I'm intrigued by the use of resin, it looks like an interesting material to work with? :)

    Wonderful work! x

  2. She looks just how I feel!

    My son even announced- "Oh look Mummy, me and you!"

  3. Oh that's so sweet Unusualbiscuit, what a lovely son you have! Thank you Kitty and Rebecca, she was so much fun to make, I have been very particular with her, which is why it's taken me some time, but I am overwhelmed with the responses to her, so thank you!

  4. its so Original, am sat here thinking WOW !!!

  5. I love your work! This one is amazing. So very original and beautiful.

  6. Really fantastic. She's great.

  7. Awwwwwwww she's so beautiful and look at the little ones, gorgeous. xx

  8. oh well done - once more you've hit a new level of awesome.

    1. That's a really wonderful comment, thank you so much!

  9. Thank you everyone for the lovely comments :)
